The use of crystals has a long history of satisfying the spiritual needs of humankind. In almost every time period and culture around the world, people have been attracted to crystals — like gemstones, minerals, or semiprecious stones. We give diamonds as a promise of love and marriage. We gift sapphires as a symbol of fidelity. Sailors carried aquamarine to calm the sea and ensure a safe return home. For centuries, crystals have been used as symbols of power and ornamentation, but their purpose transcends their beauty. Crystals have a sacred power — a purpose discovered in ancient cultures and still practiced today.

 Em's Crystals is happy to be part of the positive energy crystal culture; and we welcome you to join our many satisfied customers; who we are always thrilled to see again! We always work to get our customer's the highest in quality crystals & stones at the most affordable prices available.

  • Victoria Avenue, Windsor, ON N8X 1P5, Canada
  • Please call for direction